The Annual Conference on Smart Materials and Structures

By Admin On 06 Feb 2022


<p>The certificate of acceptance and presentation of the article has been prepared and is available in the authors' portal.</p>

By Admin On 31 Jan 2022


با تشکر از مشارکت نویسندگان و محققان محترم، به استحضار می رساند، زمانبندی ارائه مقالات مشخص شده است و در منوی زمانبندی موجود است.

By Admin On 22 Dec 2021

Extension of submission deadline

Due to repeated requests, the deadline for submitting manuscripts was extended to 1 January.

By Admin On 27 Jul 2021


The conference is indexed in the Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC) and Civilica.

By Admin On 03 Jul 2021

Paper Submission

The portal is receiving manuscripts.

By Admin On 26 Jun 2021

Top papers

The top papers will be published in the journals "Mechanics of Smart Structures" and "Mechanics of Advanced Composite Structures".